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Mojca Pišek

Journalist, essayist, literary critic, from Slovenia

Aidan Harper, New Economics Foundation: The four-day week should be one of the central aims of the union movement in the 21st Century.

    How many individuals and organisations are advocating the topic of working time reduction in your country and do you form partnerships? Within the UK, the movement around working time reduction is small but rapidly growing. The UK Green Party has put a four-day week in… Read More »Aidan Harper, New Economics Foundation: The four-day week should be one of the central aims of the union movement in the 21st Century.

    Margareta Steinrücke, ATTAC Germany (AG ArbeitFairTeilen) : A 30 hours week with full compensation of wage and stuff

      How many individuals and organisations are advocating the topic of working time reduction in your country and do you form partnerships? In Germany specially attac is advocating the reduction of working time in form of the so called “short full time” around 30 hours per… Read More »Margareta Steinrücke, ATTAC Germany (AG ArbeitFairTeilen) : A 30 hours week with full compensation of wage and stuff