Replay 2024 Conference Working Time Reduction in Europe: who & how? October 17th/18th – Brussels
The European Work-Time Network hosted its 2024 conference on 17th and 18th October at Mundo Madou in Brussels.
Five panel discussions were held on various topics related to the practical implementation of working time reduction in Europe, featuring speakers from trade unions, universities, campaigns, and political organizations. The conference was funded by the Alex Ferry Foundation, with live interpretation provided by EPSU, and registrations managed by the ETUC.
You can find the recordings of the conference on our YouTube channel and on our website. Don’t miss the opportunity to catch up on insightful discussions and valuable perspectives on the future of working time reduction in Europe!
- Webinar #15 EESC Opinion: Working time, the efficiency of the economy and the well-being of workers
- Webinar #14 To 35 hours and beyond ! How the PCS union in Scotland won the shorter working week
- Webinar #13 A 4-day workweek in a nursery ? A case in Portugal
- Webinar #12 Digital Organising for Working Time Reduction
- Webinar #11 Working Time in the Cleaning Sector – UNI Research
- Replay 2024 Conference Working Time Reduction in Europe: who & how ?
- Webinar #10 Union Strategies and Work-Time Reduction
- Webinar #9 Working time policy : successes and lessons
- Webinar #8 Gender-Just Work Time Reduction
- Working Time Reduction in Europe: who & how?