- All participating organisations acquire the status of “members” once they have been present at one of the European conferences of the Network and have contacted the coordination team to join the network.
- Each member can make use of the Network’s identity when carrying out their own actions and projects as long as they respect the Network’s Values Charter (to be created).
- Apart from members, the Network also grants the status of ” observers” to individuals or political parties who want to engage in its activities. Observers can participate in meetings and be involved in the network’s projects, but they cannot take part in the definition of the Network’s objectives.
NB: Political parties have the status of “observers” in the network as they often are the target of our advocacy. As such, they cannot get involved in the Network’s Coordination Team or in the definition of its objectives. The Network has adopted the habit of inviting at least two political parties in the event of the network or none of them.
Geographical distribution of The European Work-time Network
- Unions: LO, Fagforbundet FO, NTL, NTF, EL & IT Forbundet, MFO, skoleneslandsforbund.
- Political parties: Rødt, SV, Miljøpartiet De Grønne.
- NGOs: Sekstimersdagen, NKF, Kvinnefronten, kvinnegruppa Ottar.
The Netherlands
- Unions: FNV.
United Kingdom
- NGOs: Autonomy Institute, The New Economics Foundation
- Unions: CSC-CNE, FGTB
- NGOs: Roosevelt.be
- Politicals parties: Ecolo, PS, PTB
- Unions: CGT, Solidaires, FSU, MUNCI
- NGOs: Archipel OLJH, Collectif Roosevelt, Economiste Attérés, GR-PACT, JOC, MNCP, Institut Veblen, Mouvement Utopia
- Politicals parties: EELV, Nouveau Souffle, Nouvelle Donne
- Media: Alternatives Économiques
- Unions: CCOO, UGT, CIG
- NGOs : Alda
- Unions: BSRB
- Unions: CGIL
- Unions: GPA-djp, PRO-GE
- NGOs: Sekcija UTD
- NGOs: Attac Hungary
Czech Republic
- Unions: Czech-Moravian, Confederation of Trade Unions
- Politicals parties: Razem
- Portuguese Four-Day Week Pilot
- Nicos Poulantzas Institute
- Unions: IG Metall, ver.di, DGB, EVG
- NGOs: Attac, KAB, Erwerbslosenforum
- Politicals parties: Die Linke
- Foundations: Rosa Luxembourg, Stiftung, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
- Politicals parties: Vänsterpartiet
- Unions : UNIA
- Unions: ETUC, ETUI, IndustriAll
- NGOs: Altersummit
- Politicals parties: Greens/EFA, GUE/NGL
- Foundations: Transform! Europe