European Work-Time Network
The debate on working time is one of the most salient topics on work and politics across Europe today, and there is a growing movement that is pushing for a more just distribution of labour and leisure time. The European Work-Time Network coordinates organisations, and individuals from trade unions, social movements, science, politics or civil society organisations, around the subject of working time reduction and adaptation.
Today, the network gathers key actors such as the organisations and people that started and support working time reduction or 4 day week trials inside their countries including Iceland, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal.
Our mission
The Network’s main mission is to advocate for Work-Time Reduction policies as a means to achieve more sustainable forms of work production, more meaningful lives and jobs, and a fairer distribution of wealth. To fulfil this purpose we collect and share experiences and evidence from working time reduction policies, provide meeting spaces and exchanges, and encourage work-time reduction policy adoption across Europe.
The Board of Directors

Margareta Steinrücke
ATTAC & ArbeitFairTeilen
Bremen, Germany

Alexandra Arntsen
Nottingham Business School
Nottingham, UK

India Burgess
London, UK

Adrien Tusseau
Du Travail pour Tous !
Paris, France

José Luis Gallegos
Rotterdam School of Management
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Will Stronge
London, UK
Become a member, join us !
You are a activist, a researcher or a citizen interested working times initiatives in Europe ? Join us to meet, debate and exchanges during our monthly webinars, received updates through our newsletter and participate to our meetings (online and on site one time a year) ! The network’s organise its annual conference in Brussels every year open to everyone !
You can subcribe to our newsletter directly here.
Contact US 🙂 !
French Association Law 1901
SIRET : 923 832 513 00017
29 rue de Reims 94 110 ARCUEIL, FRANCE