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Accueil » Webinar #8 Gender-Just Work Time Reduction

Webinar #8 Gender-Just Work Time Reduction

    Webinar Gender-Just Work Time Reduction

    The European Work-Time Network is hosting its third webinar of 2024, focused on gender-just work time reduction. The event will be hosted online at 1pm Brussels time on Wednesday 29th May.

    Our speakers will deliver a short presentation on the subject, followed by an audience Q&A.

    Emilie Tricarico is a Policy Officer for systems change in the Economic Transition Team at the European Environmental Bureau. She is an ecological & heterodox economist with a background in climate and economic transition campaigning.

    Katharina Wiese is a Policy Manager for economic transitions and gender equality at the European Environmental Bureau. She has been investigating gendered impacts of environmental policies in the Global South and Europe, publishing scientific articles on that nexus.

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